Engaged To Be Married…What A Glorious Ride

Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines engagement as..

A promise to meet.

Emotional involvement or commitment

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Leading up to the engagement is emotional….

You might meet online, at a party or through a friend’s introduction. You are vulnerable anywhere!

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It is like a roller coaster of emotions. Meeting, dating, falling in love and then engagement.

Ah…. But it is a strong emotion. Once bitten, love can take you to the tallest peaks. Send you soaring with the eagles.

All I ask is take this time and soak up the rays of love. Plan your wedding together and take your time.

Commitment, think about it, enjoy it. Take a walk in a park, throw leaves at each other, hug and talk. These are ways to get to know each other and fall deeper in love and make your engagement one of the most memorable times in your life.

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